Saturday, February 21, 2009

How to join us and get your funny on!

Seen some of the funny articles we've written but think you can do better?

Well, use your comedy typing skills (by which we mean produce funny articles - not type in flamboyant gestures whilst wearing a gold loin cloth.) and join the fastest growing comedy website on the internet - and then join wittypedia as well.

How to sign up

It's not a hard process but we figure it might not be as easy as we think because so few people have done it so far… and there’s no other reason we can think of not to do it.

On the top right of the site is some text that says login - click on it and you will be taken to the login page. Then follow the instructions to sign-up… is that an over-simplification? Well, for a more complete guide click this link;

Why do I have to sign up?

A while ago, Wittypedia or the Wit, as it is known, was bombarded with spam. At first we were flattered at the new users and their string of nonsensical articles which ranged from the magnificent 'mhjuhfg' to the always entertaining 'ninhjhghd' - which featured such classic phrases as 'sfsfgsgsgsg' and 'fgrhteee'.

Unfortunately these masterpieces of surrealism started to make our own articles look less funny and, in a fit of what we can now admit was pure jealous rage, we erased them all and set up a login to prevent this happening again.


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