Monday, February 23, 2009

How to write a funny article

So, you've seen what's on offer at the Wit and want to add your own funny gem to the ornate paste necklace that is, wittypedia, eh?

Alrighty, you just need to follow these 5 tips that are listed here and you're all set for mega-stardom - wittypedia style;

1. Think of a subject

Potatoes, Wagons, Bed knobs, My big toe ...are all awesome subjects for new funny articles ...but what have you got to say about them? Sometimes a news article can get you thinking about a funny aspect of something or maybe a surrealist ramble is more your style. Maybe just looking round your house will provide you with inspiration. I think my next article will be about ...doors!

2. Be creative

Have you thought of a subject that's already been covered? Take a look at the current article - can your piece co-exist with it or is it a separate beast entirely? If you don't feel it matches or you want your own space then simply think of a different term. E.g. There's already a page on Life but your new article about it can be titled About Life or, how to live or, not dying etc. - there's lots of options!

3. Be true to yourself

Only you know what's funny to you - and that's what you have to write. If you can make yourself laugh then hopefully it'll make your friends laugh - and maybe, just maybe, everybody in the whole damn world too! (It also helps to be deluded)

4. Edit yourself

Adding pictures to your page will help it stand out. From time to time we do add pictures to articles ourselves but if you write an article about something with specific visual imagery like a zebra in camouflage clothing then you run the risk of us posting a pic of one in desert fatigues when you were picturing arctic survival wear. So it may be best to do it yourself.

5. Tell a friend

You're now a published comedy writer so tell everyone you know! Ok, it may not get you a job as a staff writer on the Simpsons but showing how funny you are to all your friends is always a good idea.

Here are today's Wittypicks;

Funny website article – Britain

Its inception occurred a long time ago when an English politician realised all the best inventors seemed to be Scottish and wanted a piece of the glory. So, the union was formed and all inventors then became British.

Britain has since been responsible for 90% of modern inventions but not responsible for Mel Gibson’s Scottish accent in the historically accurate truthfest that was braveheart.

Funny website article – USA

The emblem for america is the bald eagle which is fitting because;

  • It's bald - like some Americans
  • It has feathers - like the pillows used by some Americans
  • It has eyes - like most Americans
  • It's an eagle - and some Americans are illegal (ill-eagle) immigrants

The list goes on, and the quality of the comparisons actually gets worse, so I'll stop there.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

How to join us and get your funny on!

Seen some of the funny articles we've written but think you can do better?

Well, use your comedy typing skills (by which we mean produce funny articles - not type in flamboyant gestures whilst wearing a gold loin cloth.) and join the fastest growing comedy website on the internet - and then join wittypedia as well.

How to sign up

It's not a hard process but we figure it might not be as easy as we think because so few people have done it so far… and there’s no other reason we can think of not to do it.

On the top right of the site is some text that says login - click on it and you will be taken to the login page. Then follow the instructions to sign-up… is that an over-simplification? Well, for a more complete guide click this link;

Why do I have to sign up?

A while ago, Wittypedia or the Wit, as it is known, was bombarded with spam. At first we were flattered at the new users and their string of nonsensical articles which ranged from the magnificent 'mhjuhfg' to the always entertaining 'ninhjhghd' - which featured such classic phrases as 'sfsfgsgsgsg' and 'fgrhteee'.

Unfortunately these masterpieces of surrealism started to make our own articles look less funny and, in a fit of what we can now admit was pure jealous rage, we erased them all and set up a login to prevent this happening again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feature review - Randomating

The verb to random, from the latin randomitus, meaning - to place your hand in a bag of leeches and pull out a kitten named Florence.

Randomating is the new craze... and now you can do it too!


Simply select the link on the left side of the wittypedia website that says random and you'll be whisked away to a place filled with tears of laughter/indifference/despair (delete as appropriate) .


And, if searching the left-hand menu's plethora of links is too much work then please feel free to click here and get randomised!


But remember, the quality of article you come across when Randomating is almost entirely dependant on you! The more funny articles you write, the less chance there is of coming across some of the few mirth-impaired pages that may possibly exist.



Not feeling random? Well, here are today's ever so funny Wittypicks - just follow the links to read the whole maddeningly funny articles on the wittypedia website.


Scientists - Full funny article

NOT TO BE TRUSTED. Forever opening up animals as if they were a can of baked beans, scooping out the contents and having them for breakfast. All of them own at least five identical white coats that start at the shoulders and end below the knee.


Earth - Full funny article

Today, if my apartment is to be believed, the earth is populated by at least 3 people (some sources ridiculously claim the figure to be somewhere in the billions), as well as many, many different forms of plant and animal life, soft furnishings and cutlery.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Latest Wittypedia News

You may have noticed some changes to our website's front page ( )... or you may not... it really does depend on whether you're one of the handful of amazing and funny people who know about the site.


But yeah, we've gone for a little bit of extra text in there to grab your eyes by their cortex and swing them around in glorious monochrome text based goodness... and it also helps us to better point out the funny articles and how you can contribute to article creation.


We are nothing if not bored though so there's a fair chance the front page may change again soon - if you have any suggestions for improvements then please leave us a comment here. We'll sift through them all (admittedly easy for the foreseeable future because, at the time of writing, there's none at all) so you can be sure your pearl of wisdom will be seen.


Wittypicks - featuring excerpts from some of our favourite funny articles - click on the links to check them out;



Ants, as the name suggests, mostly live in semi-detached luxury apartments on the French riviera.

They can also be found in cracks in pavements but this is only in their capacity as pavement crack inspectors - a job which they do for purely altruistic reasons.

Although 6 legged, they have yet to grasp the concept of multitasking which is a shame because they are almost perfectly designed for doing more than one thing at a time (up to 6).




2000 years ago a man named jesus performed miracles in front of 12 of his close friends as he wandered around a small area of a country that most westerners of the time didn't know existed.


20 years ago a man called David Copperfield walked through the great wall of china in front of an audience of millions.

One of them is the cornerstone of western religion, the other has large eyebrows

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Welcome - new content

Welcome to the wittypedia blog - a blog which blogs the blog-able things involved in running the ever so funny and somewhat magical website


Keeping you up to date with all the funny comings and goings on one of 'the internet's best kept secrets' (ED - do you add quotation marks if you said it yourself?)

A site that has been told by an internet expert that,  'it could be one of the surprise internet sensations of 2009 - if you just change all of your content.' (Actual genuine quote)


New content is being added all the time and here's just an example of two articles that have been added recently, and they are;


Dolphins -

Dolphins breath through blowholes on the tops of their heads, but do not be fooled into thinking you can blow into them simply because they're called blowholes. Apparently they don't like it much and start to head butt you in a manner that can only be described as very painful... And environmentalists get all preachy about it too. So don't do it. Etc etc.




Transport -

Whenever you go from A to B without using the mystical art of walking (two legged or otherwise) or it's speedier counterparts of jogging, cantering and running, the odds are pretty high you just used a form of transport. Etc etc.


Click on the links to check out the full articles, or check out our other funny articles here - and if you think you could do better, sign up and have a go.