Sunday, November 29, 2009

Updates galore

In an effort to make the front page more interactive it now features the 5 newest WittyPedia entries, the 5 newest WittyMedia entries and a random picture from the newest internet sensation - Murraying! Click the link to go to the all new Witt!

Monday, November 23, 2009

What's New you ask? Pretty much everything!

Wittypedia has grown in new and interesting ways. It's bigger, it's funnier and it smells less of bacon.

No longer just funny articles - we now have funny pictures, hilarious videos and many more amazing things to astound your senses - except smell, unless you like things that smell slightly less like bacon than they used to.

Go check it out, contribute, enjoy!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wittypedia just got laid... out, slightly differently

Yes keen observers will note that the look of wittypedia has changed. You can still find all your favourite funny stuff in all the usual places... just a little bit more pink. Is this an omen of things to come? What will become of the witt in the future?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Big Changes afoot in the world of the Witt

It's fixed! Yes, many of you will be unaware that it was even broken but for the last few months Wittypedia has languished in a state of disrepair brought about by a mediawiki upgrade and an unhelpful hosting provider who refused to allow sufficient access to update the database to reflect the changes. Suffice to say that where there's a Witt there's a way - and in the blink of an eye (albeit an incredibly slow blink) a solution was found and the world's favourite Encyclopedia of Funny Articles (created by us) was back online.

A mad rush to create new articles is now expected... as is the return of the dancing flea called Paul.